Monday, September 10, 2012


So, not only am I writing in my blog again, I have also decided to start running again. Yesterday, I got up and went for a run before church. I only ran two miles and it was tough. I'm gonna let you in on a secret of mine. Something, I've never told anyone. Are you ready? I have a mantra that I say when I'm running and I don't think I can manage another step. It sounds silly, I know. 

While running yesterday, the first mile was ok. Then I turned around to come back and discovered a steady incline for the entire way back home and my heart sank. I was streaming Pandora through my iPhone. I had it on a country station at first but had to change it in hopes of finding something more upbeat. I decided for a Christian station. Sometimes, I get really good upbeat music that gets my legs moving and then there are times like yesterday. I was running while "How Great Thou Art" was playing! Come on, Pandora!! While I love the song and it flooded my mind with memories of my childhood church, this was not exactly a running song! But I suppose that's what Pandora's box is, right? It's either something really good or something really bad...or is that just on Big Brother? I'm sure you're wondering why I didn't change the station. Well, I'll tell you why. I couldn't. I just couldn't! It was too much extra exertion to unlock my iPhone, find the Pandora app and pick another one. Come on! I couldn't breathe, let alone peruse around through my apps! I passed a few runners coming the opposite direction. I mustered all my energy to pick up my pace, stand a little taller and try to control my breathing so they wouldn't pick up on the fact that I was about to kill over! Then I told myself it was time. Then I told Jesus it was time. You know the was mantra time! With each breath out, I say (in my head) Jesus. Endurance. Strength. Power. I repeat this over and over until I pass the finish line or my run is over. HOWEVER, yesterday even saying my mantra was too exhausting! So I had to shorten it. I could only get out Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! 

Something else I do while running is a little hand raise. If I'm listening to my Christian music I may put a hand up for a beat or two. Yesterday, I attempted and then put that hand right back down. I told Jesus, "Shoo, not today. But here, here..." I put my pointer finger up as I ran! "You see it, God...this finger's for you!!!" I finished my run and I felt great when it was over. I'm hoping that tonight's run will be better than yesterday and hopefully when I open Pandora's box it will be to find an upbeat Toby Mac or Mandisa song! ;)

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