Saturday, September 1, 2012


A facebook friend of mine posted a picture of her 2 precious little girls a week or so ago. They were hugging and smiling and just adorable. The caption said something to the effect of they had just said their bedtime prayers and my friend had prayed that they would always love each other and be good sisters to each other. After the prayer, the little girls hugged and one of them exclaimed, "Jesus heard our prayers!!! Take a picture!" How completely sweet!!!

That night I decided to try it with our boys. "Boys" is the opportune word in the previous sentence. I had finished reading them their books and then got them all nestled in bed. As we said our prayers we prayed for the people in the path of Hurricane Isaac and thanked God that we were safe. I ended by praying that they would always love each other and be good brothers to each other. When we pray, I usually pray and then Hunter goes and then Jack. 

*Jack has a little bit of a talking problem. Not only does he talk a lot, and I mean A LOT, he also gets ahead of himself. He doesn't stutter, it's more of a repeat. He'll repeat the same 1-3 words before he can get the full sentence out.*

After we had said "AMEN" I looked up waiting to see them hug. Instead, Hunter looks at me and says, "When Jack was praying he sounded like a scratched up DVD!" Well, there you have it...boys!!!

I don't have pink in my life. I don't have glitter and glam. No little divas in this house. No one to watch me put on make up and ask to have some. Theres no finger nail painting going on here. I live in a house  where everything can be turned into a weapon. Before I know it, I have crossed enemy lines. Star Wars and Thomas are our main topics of conversation, at the dinner table, in the car, at bedtime, while watching tv. Karate moves are shown off. I find paper airplanes and ninja stars made from notebook paper everywhere. 

No, I don't have princesses or sparkles but I do have two very sweet and loving boys. They are boys that know how to share and give. My oldest made me a cross out of sticks at recess. My youngest offered me his heart when mine was broken. I have polite, loving little boys. Yes, they can be rowdy and loud. But I wouldn't trade them for all the taffeta in the world!!

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