Well, apparently I'm not very good at keeping this thing updated! Let's see, I guess it's been about a month since my last post! I got baptized on April 13th. That was a good day for us. Luke and Hunter were right there with me smiling. Hunter was very impressed with the big "bathtub" and Luke was excited for me. I am hoping that will jumpstart something in Luke, we'll see. I had asked if I could have bubbles, but that request was denied.
The theme of this month has been Spiderman! Hunter's 4th birthday party is going to be this Saturday on the 26th. His acutal birthday is the 29th. We have rented a blow up jumpy house and Luke ordered a Spiderman costume off of Ebay. Our friend Ammie has been nice enough to make the cake for us. We're having the party at one of the parks on post, unless there's bad weather. In that case we'll be having the party at our church. I'm excited and Hunter is excited, but I honestly believe that Luke is the MOST excited! haha! He's such a big kid! Well, I guess that all that's been going on here with us. Oh, we steamed cleaned our carpets last weekend, but thats about the extent of our excitment! I'm always at church (between a 40 hour work week, bible study, Cubbies, and small groups) and Luke has started classes again this week...we stay pretty busy!