Well, it's raining non-stop again here in great Missouri. There were major floods two weeks ago. Roads got washed out and people had to evacuate their homes. We were fortunate enough not to be effected by it at our house. The water is already rising again. There have been tornadoes today as well as last Friday. I refuse to sleep in the closet again! We did that a couple months ago when there were like 5 tornadoes! No thank you! I'll sleep in my bed and if I get blown away, I get blown away!
We were supposed to get the nursery done this past weekend and get the garage cleaned out, but that didn't happen. We started on Saturday, but eventually gave up for the day and then never started again on Sunday. I'm driving Luke crazy with my "nesting". I can't help it...I want things organized (every closet, every cabinet, every drawer!) Jack has been very active the past couple of days and I have been more tired! Hunter has been asking more and more questions about the baby. He's excited that his little brother is going to be in the room next to his and has already asked if Jack can sleep with him in his bed. My next appointment is on the 7th of April. Hunter gets his 4 year check-up on the 14th and I know that he will be getting shots. I know you haven't seen my belly mom, so here is a picture of me about 2 weeks ago at 25 weeks along.

With Hunter I gained, oh about 60 POUNDS!!!! So far I've only gained 6 pounds, (as of my last doctor's visit). However, this is what happened last time too...I gained it all at the end! I'm sure I've gained a couple more pounds and I'll find out next week. So my goal this pregnancy is ~ "just not 60, just not 60, please not 60!"